Vibrant ERP System

Elvs is an enterprise resource management system that seek to automate the management of day to day activities at Vibrant Village foundation.


Manual and labour intensive resource tracking, resulting in incomplete data, and inability to track all resources from people to tool to devices.


UX/UI Design, Mobile development, Web development, DB design, DevOps, Testing and QA


A mobile app to collect data from the single source of truth and a web app to display the insights generated from the data collected/

About Vibrant erp

Vibrant Villages, a US-based private foundation, partners with non-profits in Africa and Latin America to manage community development programs. Elvs, an enterprise resource management system sought to automate the day-to-day tasks of field officers, addressing the challenges of manual record-keeping and the growing inefficiency associated with expanding data sets.

The challenge

Organising data for 20 students in one school is straightforward with a spreadsheet, but managing over 3000 students across 50 schools requires automation. Our client faced this challenge, needing to manage a growing dataset for program decisions. To address this, we focused on the data collection process. Tutors were manually recording student attendance and performance for years, using a Kobo digital form and booklets.

Each school had a single tablet for attendance, and transferring session data to the digital system was labor-intensive. We developed a web dashboard for efficient data management, including student and teacher information, and an offline mobile app for real-time attendance and performance tracking. This improved efficiency and accuracy, benefitting students in the program.

The Solution

A web dashboard for record keeping of student data, volunteers teachers data and the resources allocated to each school. An all in one place of everything that pertains to running the intervention program (program to help underperforming students to do better.

An offline mobile app to streamline attendance recording and student performance tracking for Partner schools in western Kenya. Collecting data at the source to reduce human error and inaccurate conversions of data.


The offline mobile app has been instrumental, enabling real-time data collection and reducing manual errors. Volunteers and teachers can now easily track attendance and student performance, enhancing resource allocation and interventions. This mobile technology has streamlined operations, improving data accuracy and accessibility, benefiting underperforming students.

The dashboard design centralises data management for over 4,000 students, 100 trainers, and 50 schools. It simplifies administrative processes and empowers administrators with data insights, particularly in the context of attendance rates, enhancing educational department efficiency within the NGO.

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